Kladdkakor deluxe, Shokosünden, Taivaalliset suklaakakut & Bolos de luxo. Ja, alltså detta är min älskade bakbok i alla sina språk. Den är översatt i hela 3 språk. SÅ himla roligt!
Den är alltså översatt i tyska, finska & portugisiska. HUR coolt? Så stolt och SÅ glad! ♥
Congratulations for your book! I had the portuguese version.The photos are beautiful and the recipes looks so delicious! I already made two recipes – cake with coconut and lime and the chocolate trifle with raspberries and everyone loved it!The only strange thing for me was to understand the weights and measurements of ingredients because in dry ingredients (as sugar e.g.) we do not use deciliters. But it works! Best regards from Lisbon